• Company wide access to the world’s leading online resource hub specialising in empathy-building actionable content around workplace inclusion
    • Day-to-day tools and practice scenarios for managers and leaders to build confidence and competence
    • Glossary of EDI language and descriptions
    • EDI Calendar with intersectional focus
    • 2024 Inclusive language guide – updated monthly
    • In-person and virtual get togethers featuring inspiring speakers, thought leaders and experts on workplace inclusion
    • Connect with the Altogether Different Community: Peers from different companies, professions, backgrounds, global regions, viewpoints – all passionate about the positive effects of workplace inclusion
    • Access quarterly ERG online Support Forums with advice for ERG leaders and the EDI & people professionals supporting them
    • Exec Coaching for leaders with expert support to build awareness, empathy and confidence around role-modeling inclusion
    • Live Q&A Forums for your team, drop in and have your workplace EDI questions answered by our expert teams
Every team is different – please get in touch today to explore a +Community membership that’s tailored perfectly for your organisation’s needs