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Hi I’m Alara Adali and I’m the editor of Altogether Different’s monthly newsletter. Every month I source brand new, impactful content to help build empathy for difference in the workplace.
My background, working across international boundaries with refugee charities, means I’m always looking out for stories that help us all view the world from a different perspective. Sign up for interviews, practical tips for workplace inclusion and links to must-read diversity-led content.


Sign up to the Altogether Different monthly newsletter today. Fresh, diversity and Inclusion themed content, interviews, tips and calendar dates – straight to your inbox

    View Past Newsletters

    Click link below to view our past newsletters:
    The importance of listening and compassion in building empathy in the workplace. We are celebrating World Listening Day on 18th July.
    In honor of Pride Month we look at stories of queer migration from around the world. We learn more about how to be better allies to the causes of LGBTQ+ refugees and asylum seekers.
    We look at the mental health issues men struggle with the most such as depression and anxiety as well as what masculinity means.
    In honour of World Autism Awareness Day on 2nd April, we are focusing on neurodiversity as our topic. We are looking at different ways of being inclusive towards neurodivergent employees in the workplace.
    We are focusing on women in the workplace and gender equality as we celebrate International Women’s Day on 8th March and Women’s History Month in the UK.
    The topic for this edition is race. We look at the experiences of people of colour in the workplace, the challenges they face and actions that can be taken to make everyone feel that they belong in the workplace.